GIVE US A LIFT Capitol Campaign Fundraiser

A Port Stanley Festival Theatre Elevator Modernization Project
03 Dec - 31 Mar, 2025


Raising funds to modernize the PSFT elevator.
What is a capital campaign?
A capital campaign is an intensive fundraising effort in a defined time-frame for a specific project.

In our case, the GIVE US A LIFT Capital Campaign will raise funds for substantial facility improvement and accessibility to the theatre and other spaces within the building. Contributions toward this campaign will support the cost of the modernization of the elevator which will allow patrons to access the Grace Auditorium Theatre, washrooms, Dorothy Faye Palmer Room and Pat and Ali Shakir Patio which are all located on the third floor of the building. It will also allow access for people to visit the businesses located on the second floor of the building as well.

"As Board Chair of Port Stanley Festival Theatre, I am excited to announce the launch of our "GIVE US A LIFT" capital campaign. This campaign will help fund the modernization of our elevator, ensure greater accessibility for all patrons and improve the overall theatre experience. With your support, we can enhance the comfort and safety of our patrons, which will allow everyone to enjoy the arts without barriers. The modernization of this vital piece of infrastructure is essential to the future of our theatre. Together, we can elevate our community’s cultural heart. Thank you for your generosity and support in making this vision a reality!" PSFT Board Chair, Wendy Cowie

GOAL: $150,000

Background Information:
• Each year PSFT has approximately 40,000 patrons come through the doors to enjoy the great programming offered year-round.

• The largest patron base are 65+ years of age. Many of these patrons require the use of an elevator to move freely throughout the building.

• Community groups have been and continue to be welcome to use our
facilities for various functions, many of these groups have an aging population that require easy access to various parts of the building.

• The PSFT building tenants provide services to the community, and they too require easy accessibility options for their patrons as well.

• By supporting the GIVE US A LIFT campaign, you are supporting the theatre, and the community it serves.

PSFT is seeking your generous support.


All donations of $20 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.

1. Get In "On The Ground Floor" (Donations $10 - $999). Donor name listed on the Donor wall.

2. "Level Up" (Donations $1000-$4999).
Donor plaque on the Donor wall, 1 free subscription*(value $211.21) to the 2025 summer season.

3. "Elevate" (Donations $5000 - $9999). Donor plaque on donor wall, 2 free subscriptions* (value$422.42) to the 2025 summer season. With your approval special mention on social media.

4. "To The Top" (Donations $10000+) An elevator landing or Cab of elevator named after your family or organization. Only 5 spots available. Donor plaque at the landing of an elevator entrance or in cab, donor plaque on donor wall, 4 free subscriptions* (value $844.84) to the 2025 summer season. With your approval special mention on social media and press release.

*NOTE: the price of the subscriptions will be deducted from the tax receipt. If you want the full amount for the tax receipt you can opt out of the season subscriptions.

By Cheque: • Make cheques payable to: Port Stanley Festival Theatre
6-302 Bridge St. Port Stanley On, N5L 1C3

At The Box Office: • 519-782-4353 Donate by debit/credit
Donate in person by cheque/cash/debit/credit
By E-transfer Email to

Thank you for your generous donation to our "GIVE US A LIFT" campaign we couldn’t get to the top without you!


Donate Here


Port Stanley Festival Theatre
302 Bridge St., Port Stanley, ON N5L 1C3
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