I met Simon many many years ago, but if truth be told I can’t actually remember our first “official ” face to face moment. My first clear recognition was for a get together at Simon’s house on Ireland road for the cast of SKIN FLICK, which his spouse Dan was stage managing at Lighthouse Festival Theatre. We hit it off right away: I was struck by his sharp sense of humour, his love for good red wine, and his directness.
He then hired me as an actor in 2010 for KNICKERS here at Port Stanley. We worked really well together; I loved his directing style: less talk more “do” { which is my preference}. I ended up choreographing the lingerie fashion show at the end of the play, and I guess that was our first collaboration as a “team”. He then hired me again the next summer for BOEING BOEING, that was the summer he also asked me if I had thought about directing, and yes, I had. So, he gave me that opportunity the next summer with SEXY LAUNDRY, I didn’t screw it up, so he generously gave me more shows to direct in the following years.
Simon trusted me but was always available for questions about anything I might be having problems with. He was a fantastic mentor, and we also became good friends. That first directing gig led to many more jobs across the country at many different theatres, I never would have had those chances if Simon had been the first AD to ” roll the dice” on me.
After a few years he asked whether or not I would like to shadow him as AD and eventually become Associate AD, I was excited and scared, but Simon assured me I was ready and that I was his first choice. That might be one of the biggest compliments I have ever received in my life, to have gained Simon’s trust and respect was/is a highlight to this date.
We worked really well as a team. I was surprised with the trust and freedom he gave me on casting, choosing possible plays for the season, dramaturgical work, and all the day to day stuff. Don’t get me wrong he could be a task master and had no issues telling me when I was wrong, but I wanted that, I needed to learn and learn from the best I did. There isn’t enough space to describe how happy and honoured I was to be Simon’s 2nd in command, going forward it will always be Simon’s voice I hear when I am in a theatre or in rehearsal.
-Liz Gilroy, Associate Artistic Director PSFT |